Benchrest - The Green Monster
WELCOME TO THE GREEN MONSTER MATCH The Green Monster Match is a benchrest score shooting .22 Rimfire Rifle Match shot at 50 yards at the Itasca Gun Club Outdoor Rifle Range. How hard can that possibly be you are thinking? Well, the “Monster” may give you somewhat of an idea of the challenge level of the target. Arrive early. DON'T show up a few minutes beforehand. If you're not there, there won't be a target ready for you, you won't have time to discuss your classification, weigh your rifle if you're in a more competitive bracket or prep your shooting point. There's no sight-in time available - if you haven't sighted in, that becomes part of your 20 minutes of competition time. Course of Fire: Each Match consists of 25 shots for record with unlimited sighters at a United States Bench Rest (USBR) target. Or as it has been known to be called, the Green Monster. Time limit of 20 minutes. The target measures 14 x 16 inches. There are 4 Classifications to compete in the Green Monster Match. Each Classification has their own rifle guidelines to follow. Classifications:
Plinker Class is intended for those who are new to benchrest shooting, prefer to use rifles more commonly used for small game hunting and enjoy shooting their rifle while not spending large sums of money on extra target-class equipment. Firearms Limitations Weight: No limitations Barrel & Actions: No limitations Stock: No limitations Scope: 9x or less Sporter Class is unmodified factory rifles. Sporter class is intended for non-custom factory-made rifles. As an example, ordering or installing a different barrel or trigger than the model rifle came with is deemed to be customized. If you order a rifle and must specify what components are to be used would not qualify as a Sporter Class rifle. Trigger work, bedding and/or recrowning is acceptable. Trigger work is limited to polishing of surfaces and normal adjustment of assembly such that a factory trained technician would not be able to tell any modification was done. A recrowned barrel may be no more than ½ inch shorter than original length and cut to original factory specs. Pillar and/or glass bedding is acceptable, and the forend of the stock may be “opened up” in order to free-float the barrel. Barrel: Unmodified factory with manufacturer's name and logo stamped into metal of barrel Weight limit: 8.5 lbs. including sights Scope: No limit Stock: Unmodified factory, convex on all bottom surfaces Custom Class Barrel: No limit Weight limit: 10.5 lbs. including sights Scope: No limit Stock: Flat or convex bottom surfaces, no wider than 3 inches Unlimited Class Anything goes. The rifle must be legal under federal, state and local laws. General Information Please have your rifle sighted in at 50 yards prior to the Match start. Ammo: .22 LR Rests: Front rests may contact the forend of the rifle forward of the trigger guard. Rear rests may support the rear part of the rifle. The front and rear rests may not be connected. A bipod attached to the rifle is allowed and weight is included with that of the rifle. These Rest rules do not apply to the Unlimited Class. Match Fee: $5.00 per Match Upon your arrival to the Itasca Highpower Outdoor Range, you will meet with Range Personnel for weigh in of your rifle along with determination of your competition classification. Please arrive early to allow for the preparation time with the Range Personnel along with giving yourself time to prepare before the Match start. Looking Forward to Seeing You at the Range!! Richard Karpik Cell: 218-349-3341 Scoring examples: |