Cartridge Reloading Classes
Beginning Reloading Classes
Itasca Gun Club now offers reloading classes, called "Metallic Cartridge Reloading." Classes will be added to the calendar as they are scheduled.
There’ll be lecture, discussions, and lots of answers to questions. You’ll get a student reloading handbook to keep, and a certificate of course completion. You’ll learn the basics of assembling accurate, quality ammo and reloading safety. We’ll cover equipment needed, cartridge components, where to find those components, and how to make use of loading manuals. Each student will use the equipment and do some reloading in class. We’re set up to load 9mm Luger and 30-06 ammunition. And if people want to, we’ll fire the 9mm in the indoor range at the end of class.
The cost of the class will be $95, and it will run 8 AM – 5 PM. Since we incur up-front costs to put on a class, a non-refundable $50 deposit will be required. To sign up, or to get on a list of interested people, email Steve at spbevets@hotmail.com
We have 5 NRA certified instructors for Metallic Cartridge Reloading. You can check our calendar for upcoming courses.