Please consider a donation to the Itasca Gun Club! We're building new outdoor ranges, and will be moving the clubhouse from the old range to the new site. Donations can help with the cost.
We've added the ability to focus your donation. You can choose to donate to our youth shooting programs, to help cover some of the costs of our member-volunteer snow plow operators who keep the outdoor range open or to our construction and various range maintenance funds.
We host a variety of competitive, casual and just fun indoor and outdoor shooting opportunities. Our programs are open to the public. We have a 300 yard range for rifle and pistol, and have completed one outdoor pistol range. We also plan to build a new indoor range at the new site, an outdoor smallbore 100 yard range, and an outdoor 1,000 yard range. We will continue to use the original indoor range as long as we can.
Check the Indoor Shooting and Outdoor Shooting tabs above for other shooting opportunities, year-round. Check the Calendar to find out what's happening next and click on any calendar entry to find more information about that event.
We put on regular classes, as noted on our calendar. We have certified trainers for MN Permit to Carry permits, DNR youth firearm safety and DNR adult firearm safety (sometimes needed for hunting in other states). For DNR firearm safety, we hold both the traditional 16-hour classroom/field classes, and the new web/field day classes.
As of fall 2022 we have certified instructors for metallic cartridge reloading. You can check our calendar for courses or go to the NRA training site and scroll to "Rifle" and then "Metallic Reloading." Check that box and search Minnesota. If we have an upcoming class, you'll find it there.
The Itasca Gun Club is a 501(c)4 non-profit, and we have members from many counties across the state, and a few from other states.