2024 Road Closure Near Our Ranges
Beginning in June 2024, people travelling to either the outdoor or indoor range/classroom will have to use roads from the north or the east. Itasca County Road 61 will be closed for bridge construction west of the two ranges.
- If coming from the north, people will have to use Wabana Road (Itasca County 49) and turn east on Arbo road (Itasca County 325). 325 will eventually take you south to a T intersection at Itasca County 61, just a hundred feet or so from the indoor range/classroom. You’ll have to turn west for a little over a mile to get to Prairie Lake Road, which leads to the entrance gate of the outdoor range.
- If coming from the south, east or west, the quickest route is to take US Hwy 169 toward Hibbing. As you come down a steep 40 MPH hill into Coleraine, you’ll want to take a sharp left turn on to Curley Ave, and head north for about 4 blocks. (Keep your speed down and watch for the speed sign that states “20 means 20!”) Then take a sharp left onto Gunn street. Gunn becomes Itasca County 61, which will take you to both ranges.
- During Sight In Days, there will be "sandwich board" directional signs placed at the closest road intersections.
- For internet mapping, the outdoor range is at 28716 Prairie Lake Road, Grand Rapids, 55744. The indoor range/classroom is at 28006 Arbo Rd, Grand Rapids.