Hi Folks,
To all of our Service Rifle folks, who have waited so patiently, we are planning to hold Free, gratis, Invitation Shoot, next Tuesday afternoon September 30th, 2014 at the new Range. I’ll be there by 2 p.m. (earlier than usual), as I’ll need to bring the shooting mats, targets, pins, Ammo, both 30 Cal and Carbine, from the old range and open the New Gate. The Ammo will be the same cost as last year.
This will be a good time to sign up for the 2015 season. We can resume our usual once a month shoots from April or May 2015; dependent on the weather, until next October.
Yes, I said, come on out and look us over, you may shoot your Service Rifle. I’ll have ammo available for the M1 and the carbine, but you’ll need to bring your own for the Johnson’s or AR-15’s or any other. I’ll keep the ammo price the same as last year. We will anticipate at least 2 relays, maybe 3 if time allows.
Our 911 address: 28716 Prairie Lake Road, P.O. Box 201, Grand Rapids, MN 55744.
Turn East or right off Hwy 38 (just like before) on to County State Aid # 61, then turn left or North on Prairie Lake Road (it’s just 1 mile before or west of our old Range). It will be 1 mile from #61on Prairie Lake Road to the firing line. We have our IGC sign up at our property entrance gate. The gate is locked, only members with 2014 current paid up dues get the combination. So I’ll have to be there to unlock the gate.
Please let me know, either by e-mail or phone 218-246-8742; if you will be able to attend. Hope to see you there.