Itasca Gun Club Outdoor Range Work Day
As you can see from the picture on the home page, berms on the pistol range are progressing nicely! A special thanks to Ron-Ex for donating this day of work to the club so we can use this space, and Joe O and Bob R for making it happen. HOWEVER, the berms are still full of rocks as it is not faced with clay yet and won't be for a while. In order to use it we will have to pick the loose rocks from the surface or ricochets will be a problem. As this is a safety issue, use of the pistol range and Action Pistol program startup will be delayed until the work is complete. This Saturday May 13, beginning at 8:00am and going until we are done or 3:00 which ever comes first, we need as many volunteers as we can get for as long as you can be there. As it is also the fishing opener I'm sure some of you will be busy fishing but after you shoot your limit I'll be expecting you. ;-)
Be sure to sign in when you get there as every hour of donated work counts for grant money to the club for additional construction! All hours of work donated to the club are considered “in-kind” donations, and those hours increase the amount of money we can get in future grants. You will likely want gloves, boots (some areas are wet), some buckets or a wheel barrow to put rocks in, maybe a shovel or rake. I'll have a wheel barrow, an ATV with a trailer but it doesn't dump. If you have a trailer that does, please bring it.. The rocks are going to be moved to fill in the low wet spot on the north west corner by the white stake, no hauling. If you have a drag to pull behind an ATV that may be helpful also. I'm also bringing my pistol, eyes, ears etc because if we do get finished picking rocks there will likely be some testing required. Hope to see you there!
Mark Bonasera 612-616-8489 Cell and text.
Mailing Address - PO Box 201, Grand Rapids, MN 55744
Clubhouse / Training Classroom Address - 10000 Arbo Road, Grand Rapids, 55744
Google Map for New Range
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